長文読解 1Reading

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300 語程度の文章

  • \(300\) 語程度の英文は、\(7\) 分程度を目標に、\(400\) 語程度では、\(8\) 分程度を目標に読みましょう。英語では、日本語と同じく、数文字程度字下げて段落を表したり、行間を開ける様式などがありますが、段落ごとに内容をまとめておけば、全体の意味が理解できるようになります。

300 語:読み時間 7

Yuki の書いた日記文を読んで、後の問いに答えなさい。
Thursday, December 13
 Today I went to Shirayuri Nursing Care Center at 9:00 with my friend Mayumi. There were 40
old people in the center. It was difficult to take care of them, but it was a lot of fun.
The old people were all very well, and Mayumi and Ienjoyed talking and singing with them.
They also looked happy when they were singing their favorite songs.
 In the afternoon the old people gave us some presents. I said to them,
"Thank you for your nice presents. We are happy, but sad. We want to come here to talk
and sing with you,but we can't. We hope we can see you again."On our way home, Mayumi and I
talked about our experience at thenursing care center. Mayumi said, "I really enjoyed working there.
When I was talking to the oldpeople, they were smiling and lisetning to me. I think it's wonderful
to do things for other people." I agreed.
 At home I told my family about my experience at the nursing care center. I showed them the gift from
the old people. My parents wanted to know about my experience at the nursing care center and
asked many questions about it. My mother said, "I'm glad to know you had a very good time."
I think my experience there has changed me.
 We usually work to make us happy. That was my idea about work. But now I have a new one.
We should also work to make other people happy.
 Now I've found my dream.
 I want to work to help other people in the future, but I don't know what to do.

* nursing care center : 老人介護センター
* take care of : ~を世話する
* experience : 経験
* have a good time : 良い時間を過ごす
* has changed me : 私を変えた
* I've found my dream : 自分の夢が見つかった

問 \(1\) Yuki はこの日記で主に何について書いたのか、記号で答えなさい。
ア 職場体験\(\hspace{55px}\)イ 将来の夢
ウ 友だち\(\hspace{70px}\)エ 子供ころの思い出

問 \(2\) Yuki は下線部のように言っているがどういうことか、記号で答えなさい。

400 語:読み時間 830


Seven years ago, Iwas thirteen years old in junior high school.
I was very fond of playing soccer, and wanted to be a professional soccer playerin the future.
I was on a soccer team in our school, played soccer for many hoursafter school every day.
One day, I had got injured to my leg in a traffic accident, on my way home.
The doctor said my leg would be cured, but mightnot be able to play soccer.
I was very sad to  hear \((1)\) that, and was unwilling to do anything.
I lay on the bed in the hospital while being in anguish day after day.
Even if my teammates visited me in the hospital, I didn't want to see them.
Even if my doctor encouraged me to have rehabilitation, I didn't want to.
God, I'm afraid you won't come and help me.
Though I haven't done anything wrong, why do I have to get injured to my leg
in the traffic accident ? Good boy, I am.
My dream was to be a professional soccer player in the future.
I feel it's like winter staying in my mind and spring will never come.
My parents said, "You had better do (2)so, or you won't
get well and goto school again. One afternoon, when I lay in bed, my mother said,
I'm very sorry you have met with such an unfortunate accident. How much hardship you have !
 But keep in your mind that God gave you a test. If you feel painful,tolerable, say to yourself,
"Thank you for being painful." I began to approached to hard rihabilitation so that I could be
able to walk again. Having rihabilitation made me painful.
In a case like that, I tried crying, "Thank you for being painful."
Strange to say, I felt at ease.
I was very happy to get the wonderful words.
"Oh, God !  And thanks, mother."
After that, I was out of the hospital safely.
Now, I am a regular member of aprofessional soccer team.
And I have been chosen one of the member of the national team for the World Cup next year.
Playing soccer with my teammates is a lot of fun.
When I have painful,difficult time, I always say to myself, "Thank you for being painful."

* a professional soccer player : プロサッカー選手
* I had got injured to my leg : 脚に大けがをした
* cured : (病気などが) 治って
* unwilling to do ~: ~をする気にならないで
* in anguish : (心身が) 苦悩して
* day after day : 来る日も来る日も
* even if ~: たとえ~でも
* have rehabilitation : リハビリを受ける
* get well : よくなる
* meet with : ~に遭遇 (そうぐう) する
* unfortunate : 不運な
* have hardship : 苦難を経験する
* painful, tolerable : 苦悩して、耐えがたい
* say to oneself : 自分に言い聞かせる
* approach to : ~に取り組む
* I have been chosen : ~に選ばれた

問 \(1\) この話の表題として、最も適当なものを下から選んで記号で答えなさい。
Spring ―― My dream comes true
Sports ―― A lot of fun
Love ―― Something I learned from hardship
God ―― My painful days

問 \(2\) 話の内容を出来事が古い順に並べて、記号で答えなさい。
I have been chosen one of the member of the national team.
I began to approached to hard rihabilitation to be able to walk again.
I had got injured to my leg in a traffic accident, on my way home.
I feel it's like winter staying in my mind and spring will never come.

問 \(3\) 下線部 \((1)\) の意味を表す1文と、\((2)\) を指す語句、英語 \(3\) 文字をそれぞれ本文中より書き抜きなさい。

―― 解   答 ―― 

\(300\)語:読み時間 \(7\)分

問 \(1\) ウ  問 \(2\) ウ

\(400\)語:読み時間 \(8\)分 \(30\) 秒

問 \(1\) ウ  問 \(2\) ウ \(→\) エ \(→\) イ \(→\) ア
問 \(3\) \((1)\) The doctor said my leg would be cured, but might not be able to play soccer.
\((2)\) to have rehabilitation

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