長文読解 1Reading

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450 字程度の文章

  • \(450\) 字程度の英文は、 \(\boldsymbol{9}\) 分程度を目安に読めるようにします。入試の読解問題では、この字数がよく用いられます。最初は無理でも、何度も読んで少しずつ慣れるようにしましょう。大切なことは、段落ごとに内容をまとめ、全体の意味をつかむことです。


 One Wednesday afternoon, our teacher said at the homeroom meeting,
"Everybody, listen to me. We have three-day on-the-job training from tomorrow.
You are going to work at each work place in accordance with rule. Have a useful
time for you without troubling the people at there and without having an accident.
Are you all right ?" I was talking with Yumiko in the classroom after school.
Yumiko said, "I am looking forward to working at that sports shop. Do our best."
I said, "OK."
 The next day, Yumiko and I went to the sports shop for our on-the job training.
A staff member welcomed us. Her name was Miss. Saito, floor manager.
A large number of goods were there in the shop. It was our first time to work at
such a place. Miss. Saito said, "Well, first we always clean the inside of our shop after
we open it. Let's do it. Yumiko cleaned the floor with a mop and I cleaned the entrace
with a broom. And then we cleaned display fixtures, showcases, and a lot of mirros
for the costomers. It took us more than half an hour to finish cleaning.
 After the cleaning, Miss. Saito said, "Next, we'll set out these ski wears on the display fixtures."
Yumiko and I were very excited to see many colorful, and pretty ski wears. "These are
the goods to sell over the weekend," Miss. Saito said, "We have to set out them by tomorrow."
"How many ski wears do you sell over the weekend ?" I asked. "More than two hundred."
She answered. "Really ?" Yumiko and I were very surprised to hear  that.
"So we must set out as many ski wears as possible, and do as soon as possible." She added.
Since we know how many ski wears are selling this month, we only have to set out the
appointed number at the appointed date. In addition to doing that,
we set out many kind of sporting goods for theweekend with Miss. Saito during our working
hours. Yumiko and I worked very hard at the sports shop for three days. Miss. Saito taught us
a lot of things about their work all the time. "The most important thing for the operation of
the shop is to please customers.
To do  so, we must keep the floor clean, keep the goods they want full on the fixtures."
 Yumiko and I could understand how pleasant working is, while could do how severe
it is through the experience at the sports shop.
Yumiko said,  "I think operating a shop is always to do our best for our customers."
"I think so," I answered," though operating a shop is very hard and difficult,
I think [                    ]"
 Yumiko and I had a good time there.  And I had an idea that I wanted to do something useful
for other people in the future.

* on-the-job training : 体験学習
* in accordance with rule : 規則に従って
* trobule : 「人」に迷惑をかける
* staff member : 担当者
* floor manager : フロア責任者
* display fixture : 陳列什器 (じゅうき)
* set out : 陳列する
* appointed : 決まった、定まった
* in addition to : ~に加えて
* sporting goods : スポーツ用品
* operation : 運営
* please : 喜ばせる

問 \(1\) 本文の [       ] 内に適する語句を選んで、記号で答えなさい。
it is useful work for people.
it is hard work for people.
it is difficult work for people.
it is pleasant work for people.

問 \(2\) 次の問いに対する答えを、それぞれ(   )内の語数の英語で書きなさい。
\((1)\) How many days do Hanako and Yumiko have on-the-job training ? (\(2\) 語)
\((2)\) Who taught Hanako and Yumiko their work ? (\(2\) 語)
\((3)\) What does Hanako want to do in the future ? (\(5\) 語)

問 \(3\) 次の質問に答えなさい。
\((1)\) 下線部 that, so がそれぞれ指すものは何か、日本語で答えなさい。
\((2)\) 下線部 で、「それをすることに加えて」とあるが \(3\) 人がしていたこととは何か、日本語で答えなさい。
\((3)\) 下線部 で、「仕事をすることはとても厳しい」とあるが、 Hanako はなぜそう思ったのか。

――解   答――

\(450\) 語:読み時間 \(9\) 分

問 \(1\) ア

問 \(2\) \((1)\) three days
\((2)\) Miss. Saito
\((3)\) something useful for other people

問 \(3\) \((1)\) \(that\) : 週末スキーウェアを \(200\) 着以上売ること
\(so\) : お客を喜ばせること
\((2)\) スキーウェアを陳列していた
\((3)\) we must keep the floor clean, keep the goods they want full on the fixtures.

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