長文読解 1Reading

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500 語程度の文章

500 語:読み時間 1030


 Ken is a student at Minami High School. One day in August, when he was going to Kita Station,
he saw a boy. He looked lost. Ken spoke to him in Japanese, but the boy answered in English.

Boy : I'm sorry, but I can't speak Japanese.
Ken : Oh, are you a American ?
Boy : Boy : No, I'm British. I've studied Japanese for only a month at chool in my country.
Ken : Oh, I see.
Boy : I came to Japan three days ago to study at Higashi High School.
Ken : My name is Ken.  I go to Minami High School.
Boy : My name is Jet Lee.  Nice to meet you, Ken.
Ken : Nice to meet you, too. You look lost. Shall I help you ?
Boy : Yes, please. I want to go to Kita Station, but I don't know how to go there.
Ken : I'm going to the station, too. Let's go together.

When they were going to the station, they talked a lot in English. Jet told Ken many things
about England. Then they got to the station.

Jet : Thank you very much, Ken.
Ken : You're welcome, Jet.  I'm so glad to learn many things about England. I'll tell you
my e-mail address. Please send me an e-mail if you need my help.
Jet : Thank you, Ken.
Ken : I hope I will see you again.
Jet : Me, too.  I'll send you an e-mail soon.

 In the new term in September, Ken was talking his clasmate Yumi, Takeshi, and Mike,
a student from Canada, after school. All of them werethe members of the English club
club of Minami High School, and they were talking about the school festival.
They have it in November.

Ken : We are going to perform an English play for the school festival, but let's have
another event. Does anybody have any good iea ?
Takeshi : I think somebody's speech is good.
Yumi : How about Mike's speech about Canada ?
Mike : I talked about my country to the students on my first da at this school.
Takeshi : You're right.  I remember that.
Yumi : I have an idea.  We can make and sell some popular food in Canada. Mike,
what food do people like to eat in your country ?
Mike : Well, Poutine is very popular in Canada, but I don't know how to make it.
Yumi : Ken, do you have any good idea ?
Ken : I want to invite my British friends to the festival, and I want him to give a speech
about his country. I first met him about a month ago. At that time, he couldn't speak
Japanese. So we talked with each other in English. He told me a lot about England,
such as British culture and high school life in England. Now we are exchanging
e-mails in English. I think many people will be interested in his speech because his
stories are very interesting. e-mails in English. I think many people will be interested
in his speech because his stories are very interesting.

All the members of the English club agreed. That evening, Hideki sent an e-mail to Jet, and asked
him to give a speech in English at Minami High School.

The next day, Hideki got an e-mail from Jet. In his e-mail, Jet said, "Thank you for inviting me to
your school festival. I will do my best. "The news made Hideki and his friends happy. They told
their teachers aboutJet's speech for the school festival and got permission. They started to
preparefor the school festival.

*lost : 道に迷った  *address : (電子メールの) アドレス
*English club : 英語クラブ  *perform : 演じる
*play :   *event : イベント
*Poutine :
*give a speech : スピーチをする  *such as ~ : ~のような
*permission : 許可  *prepare for ~ : ~の準備をする

問 \(1\) 本文の内容に合うように、次の書き出しの英語に続けるの最も適するものをア~エの中から \(1\) つ選び、記号で答えなさい。
One day in August, …
Hideki met a boy and the boy spoke to him in Japanese.
Hideki looked lost because he didn't know the way to Kita Station.
Hideki thought the boy looked lost and they went to Kita Station together.
Hideki met a boy at Kita Station and gave him his e-mail address.

問 \(2\) 本文の内容に合うように、次の質問の答えとして最も適するものをア~エの中から \(1\) つ選び、記号で答えなさい。
What did Hideki ask Jet to do by e-mail ?
To perform an English play for the school festival.
To give a speech for the school festival.
To teach English to the members of the English club.
To sell some popular food in England.

問 \(3\) 本文の内容に合うように、次の質問の答えとして最も適するものをア~エの中から \(1\) つ選び、記号で答えなさい。
What can we say about Jet ?
He studied Japanese for a year at school in England.
He came to Japan in winter and stayed at Hideki's house for a month.
He came to Japan and started to study at Minami High School.
He talked with Hideki in English when they were going to Kita Station.

問 \(4\) 本文の内容に合うものをア~エの中から \(1\) つ選び、記号で答えなさい。
Mike talked about Canada at Minami High School.
Mike knew how to make Poutine, a popular food in Canada.
Jet came to Japan and started learning English.
Jet performed an English play at Higashi High School.

――解   答――

\(500\) 語:読み時間 \(10\) 分 \(30\) 秒

問 \(1\) ウ  問 \(2\) イ  問 \(3\) エ  問 \(4\) ア

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