
戻 る  次 へ

従属接続詞 (副詞節 2)

\(\boldsymbol{2)}\) 「原因・理由」を表すもの

because  \(\gt\)  sicnce  \(\gt\)  as

He didn't come because he was sick. \(=\) Because he was sick, he didn't come.
病気のため、彼は来なかった \(\leftarrow\) 彼は病気だったので

Since they are going, you should go too.
彼らが行くのだから、君も行くべきだ \(\leftarrow\) 付帯 (付け足し) 的な理由

As Ken had nothing to do, he went for a walk.
何もすることがなかったので、散歩に出かけた \(\leftarrow\) [することがないこと]が[散歩にでかける]直接的理由ではない

\(\boldsymbol{3)}\) 「目的」を表すもの

so that can [will / may] ...~できる (する / である) ように
= in order that can [will / may] ...

Please turn down the TV so that our baby can sleep.
= Please turn down the TV in order that our baby can sleep.
赤ん坊が眠れるようにテレビの音を小さくしてください turn down : (音量)を下げる

Ken got up early in the morning so that he wouldn't miss the train.
= Ken got up early in the morning in order that he wouldn't miss the train.

\(\boldsymbol{4)}\) 「程度・結果」を表すもの

so + 形容詞 [副詞] + that ... とても~なので ...
such + a / an 形容詞 \(+\) 名詞 + that ... とても~な○○なので ...

It was so hot that the children went swimming.

It was such a warm morning that I decided to walk to the station.

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