

長文読解過去問 \(\boldsymbol{3}\)


\(4.\) 次の英文を読んで、その内容と一致しているものを下の \(1\;\sim\;15\) の中から \(5\) つ選び、番号で答えなさい。
登場人物は \(Yumi\)、幸子 \(Sachiko\)、ベス \(Beth\)、加藤先生 \(Mr. Kato\) です。
\('03\) 東京都(改)

 Everyone was laughing and talking in the classroom. It was September 1. The summer vacation finished and the students came back to school. Yumi was talking with Sachiko about their small trip to Enoshima.  They went there with Beth, a girl from Australia.? She stayed with Yumi and her family during the summer vacation. The day of their trip was very hot, but there was a nice wind from the sea.
 Mr. Kato, their teacher, came into the room. "Good morning, everyone. How was your vacation ? I hope you enjoyed it. Well, November 2 is the day of our school festival. Do you remember ? You are third year students, and it will be your last festival at this junior high school. There will be an English speech contest on that day. From this class, we need one student who will join the contest.  Let's talk about it now."

 Two months later, the day of the speech contest came. Yumi was the speaker from her class. There were fifteen speakers in the contest and five of them already finished their speeches. One boy talked about his days in Canada. One girl talked about her life in China. Their speeches were very interesting. Yumi never visited other countries.
 Now, her name was called. Her heart started to beat fast. "My classmates say that I speak English very well.  Of course, I can do well !" She started her speech.

 Good morning, friends. What subject do you like to study ? I think many of you like English. Have you ever thought, "Why do we learn English ?" Some students think they learn English because their teachers say that they should do so. Some students think they can't pass the entrance examinations without English. Other students learn English because they want to know the words in their favorite English songs. How about you ? Last summer a girl from Australia visited my home and stayed with us for two weeks. Her name was Beth and she was fourteen years old. Her father worked at a Japanese company in Australia and he sometimes taught her Japanese words. She became interested in Japan and started to learn Japanese at her school in Australia. She came to Japan because she wanted to speak Japanese.
 One day in August, Beth and I had a small trip to Enoshima with my friend Sachiko. The blue sea, the red sun and all the other things we saw were very beautiful. Beth asked us a lot of questions about Enoshima. Answering them in English was not easy, of course, but Sachiko and I tried our best. We were very happy when Beth could understand us. Speaking English was really fun.
 Why do we learn English ? I think we learn English to understand people in the world. Beth and I have become friends because I can speak English a little and she knows some Japanese words. Knowing people in other countries is very interesting and important. We can say it's a door to world peace. Don't you think so ? I was with Beth for two weeks and learned why we study English. I will study English harder to communicate with people in other countries.
 Thank you.

 When Yumi finished her speech, everyone looked very happy. Sachiko lisetned to her speech and was very happy, too.

* school festival : 文化祭、
* contest : コンテスト、
* beat : 打つ、
* pass the entrance examinations : 入学試験に合格する、
* company : 会社、
* She became interested in Japan:日本に興味を持つようになった、
* tried our best : 最善を尽くした、
* communicate with ~: ~を考えや気持ちを伝えあう

\(1.\) The students were happy because they were going to have summer vacation after the school festival.
\(2.\) Yumi, Sachiko and Beth went to Enoshima together.
\(3.\) Beth came from Australia and stayed with Sachiko and her family.
\(4.\) Yumi and Sachiko were in the third year of junior high school.
\(5.\) The speech contest was on September 1.
\(6.\) Yumi was the fifth speaker in the contest.
\(7.\) Yumi went to Canada with her family last year.
\(8.\) Yumi's classmates said Yumi could speak English very well.
\(9.\) Beth came to Japan to teach English at a junior high school.
\(10.\) Beth didn't study Japanese at school in Australia.
\(11.\) Beth's father worked at a Japanese company in Australia.
\(12.\) Beth knew some Japanese words because her mother taught them to her.
\(13.\) Sachiko didn't like to speak English with Beth in Enoshima.
\(14.\) Yumi said it was very hard and not interesting to understand other people.
\(15.\) Sachiko listened to Yumi's speech and was very glad.

解 説
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