
長文読解過去問 \(\boldsymbol{6}\)

英語の文章形式の \(1\) つ 「スピーチ文」を攻略するポイントは、そのスピーチで主人公が最も言いたいことは何かを理解するため、段落ごとに内容をまとめます。

\(7.\) 次の文は、中学生の \(Masato\) が英語の授業で行ったスピーチです。これを読んで、後の各問に答えなさい。

 About six months ago, I saw a picture my friend, Akio, in the library news. It was in front of the school library. He was smiling with a book in his hand. I wasn't reading very much at that time, but I started to enjoy reading again that day. I'll tell you why.

 When I was little, my mother always read books to me before I slept. They were interesting to me. In elementary school, I liked to read the books in our classroom. Also, going to the school library was fun. I spent three or four days in a week there and read stories, picture books and newspapers. I couldn't think of life without books.

 When did I stop reading books for fun ? It was after I became a junior high school student. The baseball club members practice a lot everyday, so I didn't have time toread. When I was reading the library news six months ago, Akio saw me and said, "I've never seen you here before." Then, he went into the library. I walked in, too. He showed me a book and said,"This book is very interesting. I think you'll like it, too." I looked at the book andsaid to myself, "Akio practices baseball with me late every day, but he still finds timeto read. He reads so many books !" The book was the life story of a baseball player. I liked that baseball player very much, so I decided to borrow it.

 Now I really love that story. The baseball player made people around the world excited. Then, one day he had a car accident and was in the hospital for ten months.?This changed his life. He decided to help people with difficulties. I was impressed by his life. I liked the player before I read about him, but now I like him better than before. We can change our difficulties into something good. The book changed my view of life.

 I've found many good books and they've taught me a lot of things. It is interesting to learn new things and see many different views of life. Also, it is exciting to read about things we can never do in real life. You should go to the library.
[                  ] are waiting for you there.

*difficulties : 困難、 *view : 見方

問 \(1\) 次の \((1),\;(2)\) について、\(B\) の文が \(A\) の質問の答えになるように、それぞれの空所にあてはまる適切な英語を書きなさい。

\(A\;:\) Who read books to Masato at night when he was a little boy ?
\(B\;:\) [          ] did.
\(A\;:\) What changed Masato's view of life ?
\(B\;:\) The life story of [          ] did.

問 \(2\) \(Akio\) は、日記の中で Masato について次のように書きました。本文の内容に合うように、次の(   )内に入る最も適切なものを、下の ア~カ からそれぞれ \(1\) つ選び、記号で答えなさい。

I saw Masato at the ( \(\small{①}\) ) for the first time today.
He was looking at the ( \(\small{②}\) ) there.
I told him about a book I enjoyed reading.
He was ( \(\small{③}\) ) the book and borrowed it.
I hope he will like it.

ア interested in イ going to
ウ reading エ classroom
オ library news カ school library

問 \(3\) 中学入学以前の \(Masato\) の本に対する思いが、最も強く述べられている \(1\) 文を、本文中から探し、その文の意味を日本語で書きなさい。

問 \(4\) \(Masato\) が下線部のように感じたのは、この野球選手について、どのようなことを知ったからですか。\(25\) 字以上 \(35\) 字以内の日本語で書きなさい。ただし、句読点も字数に含むものとする。

問 \(5\) 本文中の[   ]の中に、\(5\) 語以上の適切な内容の英語を書き、英文を完成させなさい。

問 \(6\) このスピーチで \(Masato\) が最も伝えたかったことを、次の ア~エ から \(1\) つ選び、その記号を書きなさい。

Akio is my good friend.
I was impressed by a baseball player.
Learning new things is interesting.
It is wonderful to read books.

解 説

この文章は、\(5\) つの段落から成り、各段落の要旨はだいたい次のようになります。

\(1.\) 作者が再度、読書を楽しもうと決心したきっかけ
\(2.\) 作者の小さいころの読書への思い
\(3.\) ある出来事をきっかけに読書の大切さを再認識したこと
\(4.\) ある野球選手の生きざまから自分の人生観が変わったこと
\(5.\) 読書を通じて多くを学び様々な人生観を得るのに図書館へ行くべきだ

― 解 答 ―
問 \(1\) gone  問 \(2\) ア
問 \(3\) エ  問 \(4\) reaches
問 \(1\)
問 \(2\) \(\small{①}\) 誤:I'm 正:It is [It's]
\(\small{②}\) 誤:anything 正:something
問 \(3\) I like club activities the best in my school life. I'm a member of the tennis club.
I have been a fan of Kei Nishikori since I was a child, so I like tennis very much.
I want to be a good tennis player like him in the future.
問 \(1\)
問 \(2\) \(\small{②}\) I'll go shopping with my mother.
\(\small{③}\) busy
問 \(3\)
問 \(4\) 「土曜日の午後に宿題をしようと思ったが、その日に別の用事ができた」など
I'll do my homework on Saturday afternoon.
But I'm going to visit my grandparents with my family.
\((1)\) ( イ ) ( ウ ) ( キ )
\((2)\) \(\small{①}\) To study Japanese \(\small{②}\) For two weeks.
\((3)\) ( エ )
\((4)\) 他人に親切にすることは、自分たちを幸せにするということ
問 \(1\) miniature hat were popular things to collect
問 \(2\) \(2-a\) : イ   \(2-b\) : オ
問 \(3\) \(3-(1)\) : May I help you ?
\(3-(2)\) : Yes. Would you please show me a collection of miniature china hats once again ?
\(3-(3)\) : How much is this white one with red roses ?
問 \(4\) ウ  問\(5\) ウ  問 \(6\) カ
問 \(1\) \((1)\) B: His mother
\((2)\) B: a baseball player
問 \(2\) \(\small{①}\) カ   \(\small{②}\) オ   \(\small{③}\) ア
問 \(3\) 読書のない生活など考えられなかった
問 \(4\) 事故での入院をきっかけに、困難を抱えた人々を援助することを決めたこと
問 \(5\) A lot of stories, picture books and newspapers which change your views of lives
A lot of interesting books
問 \(6\)

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