
\(\boldsymbol{1.}\) 次の会話文の空所に適切な語を書き入れて、英文を完成させなさい。ただし、(  )内に文字が示されている場合は、その文字で始まる語を入れなさい。

\(A:\) Yesterday, I went downtown and I was surprised. Many people (   )(r   ) in the street ! And many people were cheering for them along the street.
\(B:\) Oh, I think it was a city marathon.
\(A:\) City marathon ? Is it popular ?
\(B:\) Yes. This city (   )(f   ) for its women's marathon. Every year, many women come from all over Japan and other countries to run in the marathon.
\(A:\) I see. Now I want to run in the marathon, but I can't join it because I am a man.
\(B:\) Don't worry. A ten-kilometer race is also held. The race is for (b   ) men (   ) women. Let's run in the race together next year.
\(A:\) Oh, that's very good idea. I'll practice hard to win the race !

downtown: 繁華街   marathon: マラソン   race: レース   cheer: 歓声を上げる

\(\boldsymbol{2.}\) 次の問いに答えなさい。

問 \(1\) 次の文の空所に最も適当なものを下から一つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。
\((1)\) \(A:\) Who (   ) you English last year ?
\(B:\) Mr. Suzuki did.
ア teach\(\hspace{60px}\)イ teached
ウ teaching\(\hspace{32px}\)エ taught
\((2)\) \(A:\) How is your new school life ?
\(B:\) It's very nice. My classmates are very (  ) me.
ア kind to\(\hspace{30px}\)イ kind for
ウ kind in\(\hspace{30px}\)エ kind by

問 \(2\) 次の会話文が成立するように、空所に最も適当な1語を書き入れなさい。ただし、(  )内の文字で始まる語を入れること。
\((1)\) \(A:\) What do you want to eat for (d   ) tonight ?
\(B:\) I want to eat hamburg.
\((2)\) \(A:\) You and Masaki are classmates, right ?
\(B:\) Yes. We know (e   ) other well.
\((3)\) \(A:\) It has stopped (r   ).
\(B:\) Good. I can go home without an umbrella.

\(\boldsymbol{3.}\) 次のそれぞれの指示に従って答えなさい。

\([\;A\;]\) 次の各組の語について、最も強く発音される位置に正しく下線が引かれているものを一つずつ選んで、記号で答えなさい。

\((1)\) ア electricity\(\hspace{30px}\)イ tournament\(\hspace{30px}\)ウ experience\(\hspace{30px}\)エ communication
\((2)\) ア engineer\(\hspace{38px}\)イ carpenter\(\hspace{49px}\)ウ musician\(\hspace{46px}\)エ volunteer
\((3)\) ア medicine\(\hspace{33px}\)イ science\(\hspace{70px}\)ウ problem\(\hspace{51px}\)エ restaurant
\((4)\) ア recycle\(\hspace{50px}\)イ practice\(\hspace{65px}\)ウ respect\(\hspace{62px}\)エ interview
\((5)\) ア nervous\(\hspace{41px}\)イ quiet\(\hspace{90px}\)ウ serious\(\hspace{61px}\)エ popular

\([\;B\;]\) 次の各組の語について、下線部の発音が他と異なるものを一つずつ選んで、記号で答えなさい。

\((1)\) ア thousand\(\hspace{42px}\)イ group\(\hspace{65px}\)ウ sound\(\hspace{62px}\)エ ground
\((2)\) ア through\(\hspace{53px}\)イ thought\(\hspace{47px}\)ウ throw\(\hspace{64px}\)エ though
\((3)\) ア done\(\hspace{78px}\)イ lose\(\hspace{83px}\)ウ nothing\(\hspace{49px}\)エ other
\((4)\) ア increase\(\hspace{43px}\) イ news\(\hspace{68px}\) ウ busy\(\hspace{76px}\)エ music
\((5)\) ア rain\(\hspace{80px}\) イ change\(\hspace{50px}\) ウ said\(\hspace{83px}\)エ stadium

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