入試英語:読 解

\(\boldsymbol{1.}\) 次の文は、中学生のケンが時について英語の時間に発表したものである。これを読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。
 Last weekend, I had a lot of homework to do, but I was playing my favorite game. My mother got angry and said to me, "Do you homework now!  Don't waste your time!" Then I remembered the words. 「時は金なり」 These words mean we should not waste time and use it effectively.  A long time ago, people understood time [ ② ] the sun. A sundial was invented about 6,000 years ago. It is one of the oldest clocks in history.  People could use it while just the sun appeared. So they started to use other things to know the time.  For example, candle clocks and hourglasses were used more willingly. They could use an candle clock only one time.  [  ] But they could use an hourglass many times because they use sand in it again.
 Water clocks were also used in some parts of the world by many people. We don't know where and when they were invented.  Some people say that they were used in Egypt about 3,400 years ago. [  ] And people in China developed their own water clocks. The ideas about these clocks were brought to Japan. Then people began to make and use water clocks in Japan too. About 700 years ago, a mechanical clock was invented in Europe.
 Time has passed, and people have developed more accurate and smaller clocks. A quartz clock was invented in America in 1927.  And for the first time in the world, quartz wristwatches were sold in Japan in 1969. Quartz wristwatches were very expensive [ ③ ], but soon people could buy them. Many people wore them when they went out. [  ] For example, when we get up in the morning, meet some friends on Sundays, or play soccer, we look at them. Today the most accurate clocks in the world are atomic clocks. We use them to decide our standard time. They are very expensive, and it is difficult to get them. We can use radio clocks which catch radio signals to tell our standard time. We can receive them in every part of Japan.  [  ] So radio clocks are as accurate as atomic clocks. Now I can use the radio wristwatch my father [ ④ ] me last month.
 Because we use clocks every day, we usually think that we live in the same passage of time. Is that true ? Do you know the story of Urashima Taro ?  When he comes back from Ryugujo to his world, three hundred years have passed in his world. Some people believe that he traveled to another star, not to the sea. They say that we don't get old if we travel as fast as light.
 Time has been a popular topic in many movies. In some movies, people travel through time to change the past.  Or they travel to the future to help people. Some of them even stop time. Some people believe that we can really travel throught time some day.  If so, can we change our history ? Will we still think that time is important ? We can't answer these questions now.  Only time will give us the answers.

waste: 浪費する、無駄にする  effectively: 有効に   sundial: 日時計  appear: 現れる、出でいる
hourclass: 砂時計  willingly: 好んで   develop: 開発する  mechanical: 機械式の
accurate: 正確な  quartz: 水晶、クオーツ   wristwatch: うで時計  atomic: 原子の
standard time: 標準時  radio clock: 電波時計   passage: 流れ  topic: 話題

  • 問 \(1\) 本文中の の日本語を英語に直しなさい。
    問 \(2\) 本文中の ②③ に入る最も適当な語句を、下からそれぞれ \(1\) つずつ選んで、記号で答えなさい。
  •  with looking   by looking   by watching   during spending
     at first   at last   from now on   even though

  • 問 \(3\) 本文中の に入る最も適当なものを \(1\) つ選び、正しい形に直して書きなさい。
  • [ buy  take  lend  borrow  grow  join ]

  • 問 \(4\) 本文中の下線部 が指すものを文中から抜き出しなさい。
    問 \(5\) 本文中の下線部 が指す内容を具体的に日本語で述べなさい。
    問 \(6\) 本文中の下線部 について、そうなる理由として最も適切に述べている英文を下から選んで、記号で答えなさい。
  • We can travel to the past or to the future.
    We have never traveled through time.
    Time is the most important thing in the world.
    We can change everything in the world.
  • 問 \(7\) 次の文が入る最も適当な場所を、本文中の ア ~ エ の中から \(1\) つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。
  • Now we see many clocks and watches around us.

  • 問 \(8\) 本文の内容と一致するものを、ア ~ キ の中から \(2\) つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。
  • Ken thinks that it is interesting to play a game at home.
    People could not use a candle clock while just the sun appeared.
    People in Japan made and use water clocks to know the time.
    A mechanical clock was invented earlier than a water clock in history.
    Quartz wristwatches were not sold in the world in 1927.
    Atomic clocks are not so expensive today that we can buy them.
    Urashima Taro was three hundred years old when he came back to Ryugujo.

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\(\boldsymbol{2.}\) 次の文は、中学生のミカが自分の体験について授業で語った英語のスピーチである。これを読んで、あとの問いに答えなさい。
 Last spring I found a poster about the student council at the school entrance.  It said, "We need more members to do many activities." Kaori, my classmate, became the leader of the student coucil and made the poster.
 One day I was talking with Takako in our classroom. Then Kaori came and said to us, "Did you see the poster ? Can you join the school council ?"  I said, "Sorry I can't. I want to play basketball with my teammates every day. It's important to practice as a team. If I become a member of the student council, sometimes I can't practice with them."  Takako said, "I'm not a good leader. I think good leaders should join the student council." Then Kaori said, "You are my friends, so please help me." I said, "I have another reason. I don't like to speak in front of many people. I become nervous." She looked sad and went away. After that, Kaori didn't talk to me for a few days.  I felt sorry, but I didn't know what to say, so I didn't talk to her, either.
 One evening my brother and I were talking about our schools after dinner.  When I began to talk about Kaori, my mother finished doing the dishes and said to my brother, "Kenji, you're going to vote in the election of the mayor next Sunday, right ?  You are eighteen years old and you have the right to vote." He said, "I'm not going to vote. Our soccer team will practice next Sunday, so I won't have time. I like city events such as festivals and music concert, but I know little about political things, like the election. And I don't think students can change the community." My mother looked worried to hear that.
 Then she talked about a city she visited when she went to Europe. About 50 years ago, the number of cars began to increase quickly and street became crowded and dangerous. Some people living there wanted to make the street wide for cars. But a politician working for the city came up with a different idea. He said, "I want to make the street safe for people who walk or ride bikes.  I hope people will be able to enjoy shopping and walking around without worrying about cars." Many young people like the man's idea very much.  But shop owners disagreed because they were afraid of losing some customers. They thought, "Most customers want to drive straight to our shops. If they can't do it, they won't come to oour shops." Different people had different oppinions and they discussed things a lot. Then the city decided to make the street safe for people who walk or ride bikes.  Now many people enjoy shopping and eating at tables on the streets and have fun.
 After she told the story to us, she said, "People in Europe think everyone is an important member of the community, and they dicuss things a lot and sometimes agree abou the problems of the community. We are all important members of Minami City. We have to do something for the city. It's our job." My brother said, "I understand. (   ) I'll talk about it with my teammates. Some of them are eighteen yeas old. I'll go and vote with them on Sunday afternoon.  This will be a good chance to start thinking about opinions of people living in this city and plans of the city." Then I thought, "I always think only about myself. There are things I should do for my school. I should talk to Kaori and join the student council."  The next day I met Kaori at school. She accepted me with a smile and I started working in the student council.
 Now we are doing many jobs for the students of our school together. Though I am very busy, I have one thing I want to do. I want to make our city better. I can't forget the story my mother told us. I talked about my idea with Kaori and other members and they agreed with me. We talked about what to do and we started picking up garbage around Minami Station. The mayor said to us, " The area near the station has become cleaner thanks to your activity. People don't want to throw away garbage in a clean place." I'm very glad that even student can do something good for our community.  I believe a small thing like this will make a difference, so I am going to think of other ideas to make the city and oour school better.

student council: 生徒会  vote: 投票する   selection: 選挙  mayor: 市長
owner: 所有者

    問 \(1\) 次の質問に英語で答えなさい。
    How did Mika know the student council needed more members ofr the first time ?
    Did Kenji say Mika should help Kaori ?

  • 問 \(2\) 次の英文中の空所 \(1\;\sim\;3\) に入る最も適当なもの、それぞれ下の ア ~ エ から 一つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。
  • At first, Mika didn't want to join (  1  ). She wanted to practice in (  2  ) every day and didn't like to speak in front of (  3  ).
  •  many activities
     many people
     the basketball team
     the student council
  • 問 \(3\) ケンジが文中の下線部のように言った理由として当てはまるものを、次の ア ~ エ の中から一つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。
    Kenji belonged to the student council and know much about political things.
    Kenji didn't know about political things, but he wanted to make the street safe for people.
    Kenji wanted to become basketball player in the future, so he had to practice it every day.
    Kenji wasn't interested in political things because he didn't think students could change the community.
  • 問 \(4\) 次の英文の空所に入る最も適当なものを、下の ア ~ エ の中から一つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。
    When Mika's mother visited a city in Europe, she learned that (          ).
    all the shop owners wanted wide street for people walking and riding bikes.
    most people living there were very happy to have the streets which were designed for cars
    people living there had the same idea about the streets in the city
    people who had different opinions talked a lot with each other problems of the community
  • 問 \(5\) 文中の(  )内に入るものとして最も適当なものを、次の ア ~ エ の中から一つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。
    Everyone should do even small things he or she can do for the city.
    Students should study hard instead of thinking about the community.
    We should make street safe for people in our city.
    We should do even small the things like practicing basketball for the team.
  • 問 \(6\) 次の ア ~ エ の文章が、ミカの心の変化の流れを表すように並べかえ、順に記号で答えなさい。
    I can't work for the student council.
    I really want to help Kaori now.
    I am glad I can work for our school and for the city.
    I wonder what I should say to Kaori.
  • 問 \(7\) 次の文は、クラスメートのタイチがミカのスピーチを聞いて書いた感想である。英文の中の空所 \(1\;\sim\;3\) に入る最も適当な語を、それぞれあとの ア ~ カ の中から一つ選んで、記号で答えなさい。ただし、文頭に入るものも小文字してある。
  • I belong to the vollayball team. The captain of the team is Kota. He thinks about how to make the team strong.  Once I thought. "We must follow only Kota's advice to make our team stronger, so it is better for other members to say ( 1 )." But today I learned an important thing from Mika. All of us have to do things we can do for the team or the community. ( 2 ) in a team or in a community should help its leader to change it for the better. From now on, I will tell my teammates my ( 3 ) to make our team better. I will do the same thing for my classmates, too. I know I'm not a good leader, but there are many things I can do.
  •  everything   everyone   leaders
     ideas   nothing   nobody

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