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従属接続詞 (副詞節 1)


  • 副詞節をつくる従位接続詞は、時・原因・理由・目的・結果・程度・条件・譲歩などを表します。

\(\boldsymbol{1)}\) 「時」を表すもの


when ~する (である) とき」:特定の時を表わす
as ~しているとき、~しながら」:ほぼ while と同時性が同じ
while ~する間に」:期間を表わす


When my father came home, we were having dinner. 父が帰宅したとき、私たちは夕食中だった
\(=\) We were having dinner when my father came home.

I saw Peter as I was getting off the bus. バスを降りようとしているとピーターに会った
\(=\) As I was getting off the bus, I saw Peter.

While I was out, Jim visited me. 私の留守中に、ジムが訪ねてきた
\(\leftarrow\) 私が外出している間に、ジムが私を訪ねた
\(=\) Jim visited me while I was out.



as soon as   no sooner than ...  the moment
hardly [scarcely] when [before] ...  the instant
the minute ~ など

hardly, scarcely には否定の意味が含まれ「ほとんど~ない」を表す
minute, moment, instatnt はどれも「瞬間」の意味

ジムが帰宅するやいなや電話がかかってきた \(\leftarrow\) 電話 (のベル) が鳴った

As soon as Jim came home, the phone rang.  \(=\) The phone rang as soon as Jim came home.
The moment Jim came home, the phone rang.  \(=\) The phone rang the moment Jim came home.
The minute Jim came home, the phone rang.  \(=\) The phone rang the minute Jim came home.
The instant Jim came home, the phone rang.  \(=\) The phone rang the instant Jim came home.

no sooner than ... hardly [scarcely] when [before] ...

\(\boldsymbol{1}\) 副詞節が過去形 \(\Rightarrow\) 主節は過去完了形[\(\boldsymbol{\mathrm{had}\;+}\) 過去分詞]になる
\(\boldsymbol{2}\) 副詞(句)が文頭にくると[動詞 \(\boldsymbol{+}\) 主語 / 助動詞 \(\boldsymbol{+}\) 主語 \(\boldsymbol{+}\) 動詞]の語順

\(2\) のように主語と(助)動詞の語順が逆になることを倒置(とうち)といいます。

Jim had no sooner come home than the phone rang.
\(=\) No sooner had Jim come home than the phone rang.

Jim had hardly come home when the phone rang.
\(=\) Hardly had Jim come home when the phone rang.

Jim had hardly come home before the phone rang.
\(=\) Hardly had Jim come home before the phone rang.

Jim had scarcely come home when the phone rang.
\(=\) Scarcely had Jim come home when the phone rang.

Jim had scarcely come home before the phone rang.
\(=\) Scarcely had Jim come home before the phone rang.

before ~の前に  after ~の後で:時の前後関係を表す
since ~して以来」:時の継続の起点を表わす
ふつう、主節は現在完了形 [\(\boldsymbol{have\;(has)\;+}\) 過去分詞] を用います。
until ~まで」:時の継続の終点を表わす

You must brush your teeth before you go to bed.

I'll clean my room after this TV program finishes.
\(\leftarrow\) この番組が済んだ後で、掃除するつもりだ

Ken went to bed after he did his homework.
\(\leftarrow\) 宿題をした後で
\(=\) Ken went to bed after he had done his homework.

接続詞の after 時の前後関係をはっきりと表わすので, after-節中で完了形を用いる必要はないが, 用いられることがよくあります。

Three years have passed since Ken was an English teacher.
ケンが英語教師になって \(3\) 年になります
\(\leftarrow\) 教師になって以来 \(\boldsymbol{3}\) 年が過ぎた

現在完了形は、過去の事柄が現在も影響していることを表す言い方です。この言い方は \(3\) 年生で学習します。

Please wait here for a while until the doctor comes.
\(\leftarrow\) 先生が来るまで


\(\boldsymbol{\star}\) 「時」の接続詞を含む慣用表現

It will not be long before :「まもなく~するだろう

It will not be long before we meet again.
\(\leftarrow\) 再び会う前に長くはかからないでしょう


It will be long before we meet again.
\(\leftarrow\) 再び会う前に長くかかるでしょう

It is not until [till] that ... :「~して初めて…する

It was not until my mother was seventy that she started to use a computer.
母は \(70\) 歳になって初めてコンピュータを使い始めた
= My mother didn't use a computer until she was seventy (years old).
母は \(70\) 歳になるまでコンピュータを使わなかった

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